© Maria Cocis 2001
1. An insecure child with behaviour problems
Hi Everyone,
Here is an insightful message from Canadian EFT'er Dr. Alexander Lees that details the use of EFT on a child's multiple behavior problems. Alex is an expert in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and draws from that discipline to provide some useful language patterns. As this story unfolds you will find some creative reframes as well as impressive detective work in discovering an important core issue.
Hugs, Gary
"Cindy", 12 years old, sat between her anxious parents on the couch in my office. Mother took the lead saying Cindy (1) insisted on sleeping in the parent's bed and (2) was described by her teacher as "preoccupied" and, at the first sign of a cough or sneeze, would bolt from the classroom. On several occasions, Cindy's long absence would trigger a search for her by the school staff. More often than not, she would be found quivering in the school bathroom.
The parents were notified and arranged for counselling. After six visits, the counsellor recommended a referral to a psychiatrist who suggested medications to help stabilize Cindy. The parents were adamant about finding an alternative solution.....and that is how they all came to be seated on my couch.
Once a brief history was completed, I spoke directly to Cindy. For purposes of shifting "blame" from her bowed shoulders, I said to Cindy, "Now then, this counsellor asked you questions that upset you, and that isn't very nice. Can you remember the mean questions?"
EFT for children
My underlying message, of course, was -- you're fine, the questions weren't. Cindy replied, "He asked why I can't sleep in my own bed, why I gag sometimes when I eat, and why I run out of the classroom."
Alex: "Did you run out of the classroom two years ago?"
Cindy: "No."
Alex: "Last year?"
Cindy: (Becoming slightly agitated.) "No."
Alex: "Okay, Cindy you did fine. I think I need to ask your parents the rest of the questions. Would you like to play on the computer in the reception room while I ask them some mean questions, or would you prefer to read that magazine?" (I had told the parents to buy her favourite magazine on the way to my office.)
I then asked the parents, "What happened that was significant between June of last year and when she began asking to sleep in your bed?" After several minutes of questions, Dad said, "The only thing I can think of was during baseball practice, Cindy's nose was bumped, and began to bleed. The coach said Cindy squeezed her nose, and tilted her head back.""And, did she spit blood?" was my next question.
Weight Loss |
Fears/Phobias |
Stress Reduction |
Stop Smoking |
Goal/Motivation |
Confidence |
What are past lives |
Regression CD |
Talking with dead |
The Basic Technique |
Cases for Fears and Pannic Attacks |
Cases for Pain |
Cases for children |
Cases for illness |
Surrogate cases |
Alcohol dependency |
EFT Case for objects |
Eating Disorders |
Fear of Spiders |
Panic attack |
Dental Pain |
Migraine |
Difficult child birth |
Insecure child |
Childhood abuse |
Molested boy |
Autistic child |
Constipation |
Tool for children |
Brain injury |
ALZHEIMER'S distress |
Catatonic patient |
Fibromyalgia relief |
Poison Ivy |
Scoliosis relief |
Skin rash |
For Toddler |
Surrogate for dog |
Binge drinking |
Alcohol recovery |
Weight loss |
Eating disorder |
Compulsory overeating |
Weight loss 30 |
Carol Look program |